Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reading in the summer? Nah...just kiddin'

I love summer. Everything about it, from the warm sun to the swimming and just the hanging out. Sadly, I will have to read The Good Earth, but also a few other books of my choice(which are nearly ALWAYS better than books we have to read!). Also the book for AP World...Hopefully, nothing that I ever pick will be something like a book where in the end pigs stand up and "turn into" humans-ahem. Animal Farm=an embarrassment to literature(OK...not really but you get the point)!

The following books are on my POTENTIAL reading list:

First, a very short read, which is the book One Whole and Perfect Day, by Judith Clarke. Generally in the summer i enjoy doing nothing, running around(not meaning actually running... but the sense of it like hustling around slowly doing things with friends), playing soccer and funny and good books, and OF COURSE laying in the hammock. I love hammocks. I just wish i lived in a tropical place with palm trees, hot sun, waves crashing, soft sand...OK back to the subject. I think that this book will hopefully cover that since I have gotten recommendations from several friends. Also, I love books about non-real, or "book life" because they have it so much easier than us. In some fantasy novels this is how THEIR life might go. In the morning, they get up and a robot makes their breakfast, makes the bed, cleans the house, does their homework. And then, they get in their little modern flippy car thing that flies them to their school while they are eating a chocolate milkshake. How good is that. I'm not even going to START about real life...but anyways, sometimes i wish i could just live in a book! Another book I would like to read, is Tomorrow, when the war began, by John Marsden. I have always enjoyed multicultural novels and novels with high action such as this one. When seven teens from Australia return from a camping trip to find that their country has been invaded, the must hide to survive. The plot of the book sounds like a great story! I always thought it would be kind of cool to have to hide to survive. Very, ya know, crazy and...suspenseful! I guess not if you actually had to, but in most books cases the story is told through someone as if they were living in the moment so technically, they would have had to live to tell the tale.

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